Github Stats

Below are the stats from the ESCOMP CESM Github repository:

Note: From 2023-07-04 to 2023-12-18 stats did not get collected

All CESM Github Clones Stats
Total Clones: Total Unique:
YTD CESM Github Clone Stats
Total Clones: Total Unique:
All CESM Github View Stats
Total Views: Total Unique:
YTD CESM Github View Stats
Total Views: Total Unique:

SVN Stats

Below are the stats from the CGD CCSM Model Input Data SVN repository:

All CCSM Input Data SVN Checkout Stats
Total Count: Total Unique:
YTD CCSM Input Data SVN Checkout Stats
Total Count: Total Unique:

Below are the stats from the CGD CCSM Models SVN repository:

All CCSM Models SVN Checkout Stats
Total Count: Total Unique:
YTD CCSM Models SVN Checkout Stats
Total Count: Total Unique:

Below are the individual file stats from the CGD CCSM Model Input Data SVN repository:

All CCSM Input Data SVN File Stats
Total Count: Total Unique:
YTD CCSM Input Data SVN File Stats
Total Count: Total Unique:

FTP Stats

Below are the stats from the CGD FTP server

All FTP Stats
Total Count: Total Unique:
Total Count: Total Unique:

DiscussCESM Stats

Below are the stats from the DiscussCESM website:

All DiscussCESM Thread Stats
Total Posts: Total Threads:
YTD DiscussCESM Thread Stats
Total Posts: Total Threads:
All DiscussCESM User Stats
Total Activity: Total Registrations:
YTD DiscussCESM User Stats
Total Activity: Total Registrations: